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Called Together – St. Nick’s News Jan. 19, 2024

Full St. Nick’s News for January 19, 2024

Dear Friends,

I don’t know about you, but I have been thankful for the last two days of warmer temps. I also appreciate the blue skies and the sun shining – feels hopeful.

That feeling of hope can come upon us in expected places like the sun shining or listening to inspiring music or watching great athletic performances. But hope can also catch us when we least expect it. Hope fills our lungs with a burst of air and often helps us to see the world fresh and new.

I officiated a funeral this past Wednesday. It was for a dear family friend, I have known since I was three. He was a faithful Episcopalian, loving father, grandfather and husband, He was a retired Colonel in the Air Force and went on to teach science for Northside schools. I was filled with hope as I met the different people from George’s life – all coming together to remember him and proclaim faith in the resurrection.

I was honored to be invited into a sacred and holy time with George’s family. Those of us gathered cried, laughed, and shared stories of remembrance. It was, as I shared, a hope-filled time. It was a timely reminder that Jesus invites us into being a part of His life, being part of the church, so we might cry, laugh, and remember our stories as a family of faith.

This Sunday we will hear the call of the first disciples in Mark’s Gospel. We will also have our annual meeting where we gather after 9:30 worship to eat, pray, learn, and discern our life together. I hope and pray you will come this Sunday. We have had a year of growth – both in our spiritual lives and in the blossoming of members of our community. We have accomplished starting new ministries and expanded outreach to our neighbors. We have decisions to make, and champions for ministry to empower, and a vibrant church life to celebrate.

There will be care for our children offered by Jena our Family minister and teen helpers after the 9:30am worship service. Our meeting will not be live-streamed, so please try to be there. We will have a report to send you if you cannot make it. Please reach out to me at if this is needed.

Whether you can attend the meeting or not, please pray this prayer from our Book of Common Prayer. It is a prayer found on page 818 and is for church meetings. Join me in praying for renewal, courage, and grace:

Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel at St. Nick’s for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. We have a beautiful life together filled with all the hopeful things – tears, laughter, and telling the stories of our lives and faith.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,