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A bunch of people sitting in chairs facing a screen with the word "Message" on it (Sunday worship).

Telling the Stories Again – St. Nick’s News April 19, 2024

Full St. Nick’s News for April 19, 2024

Dear Friends,

I hope and pray you are well. This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. Every year on the 4th Sunday in Easter, we hear different parts of the Gospel of John chapter 10 – the Good Shepherd Discourse. This year we will hear John 10:11-18, last year we heard John 10:1-10, and next year we will hear John 10:22-30. I encourage to read all of chapter 10 in order to remember the entirety of the story.

Throughout the Easter season we have repetitive lessons, resurrection appearances, and familiar stories. I remember as a school chaplain, being asked by a young and quite precocious upper elementary school student (who, according to them, spent their entire life in chapel at school) why we hear the same stories over and over and over again. It occurred to me while engaging this question that there are some great teachers – 1) experience and 2) repetition.

It is in the nature of people and the church to want the familiarity of repetition and to cultivate experiences of God. We hear the same stories year after year so we might learn something new about God and ourselves. We participate in the same rituals and ministry experiences so we can connect with one another, God, and make or find meaning in our lives.

I want to encourage all of us to think deeply a pray about the offerings here at church – the ones we have established and the ones we want to create that cultivate experiences of God and connection with one another. What ministries and rituals bring meaning to your life and draw you close to the love of God through Jesus?

Our life together… Our life as a church family is filled with activity and experiencing God’s divine love.

I have heard from some, that sitting outside and listening to the birds in our outdoor chapel grounds them for the challenges of the week in front of them. Others need the music from our worship to speak to their souls and give them strength. Others need the events and activities where people come together to learn, laugh, and fellowship.

Throughout this newsletter you will see many ways to engage in our community through rituals, ministry experiences, small groups, and fellowship opportunities. I hope you will take advantage of these offerings and join us as you are called and able.

In addition, I pray we will continue to be a community where new and innovative experiences of God are cultivated. I also pray we will continue to be a community where our needs (and the needs of our neighbors around us) are met through Joyous experiences of finding God in Christ at events, rituals, and activities at St. Nicholas.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,