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Art and Generosity – St. Nick’s News for May 10, 2024

Full St. Nick’s News for May 10, 2024

Dear friends,

Thank you for supporting our silent auction fundraiser, “Art in Bloom.” Your dedication to supporting our Playground fundraiser through this this creative event is truly inspiring. When it comes to gifts and generosity, there are several scriptures that offer guidance and encouragement. For example, Proverbs 11:25 reminds us that a generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will themselves be refreshed. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 9:7 encourages us to give with a cheerful heart, as God loves a cheerful giver. Your commitment to using your gifts and resources to make a positive impact aligns perfectly with these teachings. It is also helps us live into our vision of being a giving and loving community where…

Everyone is welcome. Everyone is loved. Everyone is empowered. Everyone belongs. Everyone!

We continuously bring this vision to the forefront to remind ourselves that St. Nick’s exists to make a meaningful impact on our world as we share the love of Jesus with one another and our neighbors. Our call is to joyfully and creatively connect with others and meet them on their spiritual journey.

We met many new friends at “Art in Bloom” thanks to your willingness to invite people to join you. It was a joyful time that exceeded our expectations. We had over 100 people in attendance and when the final giving comes in, we will have raised $10,000. Thank you for your participation, prayers, and generosity. If you didn’t have an opportunity to come or give to the Playground fund, you can go online and donate here.

We do not spend a lot of time speaking about financial giving in our community, but know that you are always welcome to donate funds towards the mission and ministries at St. Nick’s. When you offer a weekly or monthly donation, you are helping us live into our vision and you are helping God to transform our church and her people. By giving, you are assisting in creating vibrant children and youth ministries where our young people are learning about God’s love, participating in worship, and serving our neighbors. By giving, you are helping us to make improvements and provide space for people of all ages to have holy and life-changing experiences of God in Jesus Christ. By giving, you are providing musicians, empowering lay ministers to share their own experiences and passion for Jesus, and providing formational studies and worship experiences for all ages. By giving, you are helping us provide freezer space and support for Provisions Outreach, you are helping the larger community as they come for help with food and utilities, and you are helping to provide resources for sports groups and local schools and businesses as they come to St. Nick’s to use our facilities and beautiful yard. Thank you for your generous financial giving to the mission and vision of St. Nick’s. If you would like to set-up recurring giving you can go online here.

In addition to money, you also give so freely of your time and talent. So many of our ministries are lay led and sustained through volunteers who give sacrificially. Our Bishop’s Committee, some of our musicians, altar team, readers, AV team, dinner church leaders, small group and meet-up group leaders, women’s ministry groups, hospitality ministers, work day ministers, greeters, and our Good News Garden ministers are sacrificially giving of their time and talent. Even our small staff bless us beyond expectation with time and talent. We are blessed beyond measure. Thank you.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,