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St. Nick on the Road – St. Nick’s News June 28, 2024

Full St. Nick’s News for June 28, 2024

Dear friends,

We have, for some time, used a Virtual Church Secretary Company to help us with administrative tasks. The church world is small and as it turns out, one of my friends from my time in seminary is our administrative assistant. It was great fun to realize our connection and she has been supportive of St. Nick’s and our work together. So supportive, in fact, that she sent me tons of pictures of icons on her pilgrimage following the footsteps of St. Paul. Here is her sweet note to y’all…

Hi, friends from St. Nick’s!

Many of you have received emails from this mysterious “Megan Hansen” when you are doing readings or leading prayers on Sundays. I also do some other admin things behind the scenes for y’all, like put together the slides for worship.

Right now, I’m doing that work while on a pilgrimage trip following the footsteps of the Apostle Paul in Greece and Turkey. And on the very first day of our trip, I was delighted to find myself in a Greek Orthodox St. Nicholas Church in Kavala, Greece, which is near the ancient site of Philippi, and right along the northern edge of the Aegean Sea in the Macedonia part of Greece.

In addition to all the other miracles and good works St. Nicholas performed, he is the patron saint of sailors, which makes him perfect to be a revered saint in a city along the sea.

There were some beautiful icons, and I thought of all of you back home as I spent time in the church and prayed there among St. Nicholas and so many other saints. What a gift to have these sort of connections as I travel, and as we all travel and visit other places, but are reminded of the saints back at home. Many blessings, and prayers as I walk in the footsteps of St. Paul. -Megan

You can see the pictures of the icons below this article. We celebrate St. Nicholas at the beginning of December – usually on or around December 6th. In the life of our church we give great thanks for St. Nicholas and his commitment to generosity and faith. Nicholas shaped his life after Jesus and we in turn shape our lives after Nicholas and Jesus. Admittedly, mostly Jesus, but what a faithful example of one who respects the dignity of others and serves with fervor and grace. Here is a prayer celebrating St. Nicholas –

Let your continual mercy, O Lord, enkindle in your church the never-failing gift of charity, that, following the example of your servant Nicholas of Myra, we may have grace to deal in generosity and love with children and with all who are poor and distressed, and to uphold the cause of those who have no helper; for the sake of him who gave his life for us, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever.

I pray we may be as charitable, as zealous, and as faithful as St. Nicholas!

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,