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Preparing for Launch

We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.

-Psalm 75:1

The community of St. Nicholas is busy preparing for launch of our first public worship service! For the past year, we’ve been meeting in houses, coffee shops, and other locations in the community as we build connection among each other, but we are now ready to literally open the doors and welcome all!

On Sunday, November 24, as we all prepared to give thanks with our own families, the St. Nick’s community came together for a good, old fashioned work day to spruce up the area around our area of worship.  People young and old grabbed rakes, lawn bags, and window rags as we cleared out the space around the yoga studio at Family Fitness where we will be worshiping.

It felt great to break a sweat and bring a refreshed life to the space for which we are grateful.  The owners and employees at Family Fitness have been wonderful partners in this journey and it was with gratitude that we carted off almost 40 bags of leaves!

If you are looking for a faith home, we welcome you. If you aren’t sure what faith is, we welcome you. If you have questions, we welcome you. We can’t wait for our first public worship on December 8th at 9:30 AM.  Come one, come all!

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