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Let’s Get Going! – St. Nick’s News Aug. 16, 2024

Full St. Nick’s News for August 16, 2024

Dear Friends,

It was so great to worship with your this past Sunday. Jeremy and I are glad to be back and we are looking forward to this new program year!

This Sunday our new schedule begins with our Outdoor worship at 8am and our 9:30am worship continuing to be indoors and live-streamed.

Our program year with our bible studies, special events, youth and children programming will begin the first week of September, right after Labor Day.

This coming year, we are looking forward to continuing many of our ministries – like Musik in the Park, Pet Blessing, Bible Studies, Healing Eucharist, Episcopal 101, Youth Group gatherings, communion workshops, and Dinner Church to name a few. We will also be adding some new ministry opportunities including a Divorce Care Small Group, a time for children’s formation between our worship services on Sunday mornings, a Christmas Pageant Practice Party, Community Game Nights, and new outreach efforts in our community. If you are looking for a small group or a way to get involved, feel free to peruse our ministry booklet on our website.

It is an exciting time to be at St. Nicks! I shared in my letter regarding 5K4JESUS (if you didn’t receive it, you can pick one up this Sunday at Church) – I believe we are a beautiful and faithful work in progress. This year at St. Nick’s we will, God-willing, achieve the milestone of becoming a mission. This means, we are a growing and vibrant community of faith that has secured its own place to worship, we are building a solid foundation of financial giving to the church, and last but not least, we are empowering the gathered community to be faithful followers of Jesus as we gather for worship, prayer, friendship, and study. As we become a mission it is important that we focus on being missional. Which means, we are a sent people. We are called… we are sent… to share the love of Jesus we have found in and through one another at St. Nick’s.

You can learn more about 5K4JESUS in this newsletter or on our website.

I am inspired and encouraged by your faithfulness. I am so thankful to God that we have had so many opportunities to grow in friendship and faith. I pray this year we will continue to grow in faith, friendship, love, and hope with God in Jesus and with one another. I pray we will have new opportunities to come to know and love our neighbors. I pray that God will uphold all of us with abundant love and grace.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,