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Blessings for a New School Year – St. Nick’s News Aug. 1, 2024

Full St. Nick’s News for August 1, 2024

Dear Friends,

Jeremy and I have said goodbye to family and friends in Australia and are headed to New Zealand today. We are looking forward to time together but confess it is hard to say goodbye to family here. We miss them and are so thankful for this opportunity to spend time and see family we haven’t seen in years.

We also miss you all. I was inspired by last week’s hymn sing. If you missed it, you can catch it here. Jeremy and I watched the recording and shed a few happy tears of joy as we watched you share your faith. Public speaking is a brave act. Speaking about and sharing your faith is a bold and courageous act. Anytime we can put into words and action our love of Jesus, it is a win for God.

On August 11th, we will be celebrating our love of Jesus together. I hope you will join us for our annual backpack blessing for students, teachers, and staff members of schools. Feel free to invite your favorite teachers and school administrators to this fun event. The act of praying for one another is powerful – school is hard; risk inviting someone you know who needs a community (even just for the day) who will love them and remind them they are blessed and loved by God.

As a reminder, when we bless someone or something we are reminding ourselves that God’s love and care is upon us. Through the blessing, we are called to share love and compassion and we are strengthened to do so. We also pray for the school year and for one another in order to remind ourselves there is a wider and broader community of care and love beyond what we experience in the day to day. We are connected to something bigger than ourselves and we call this something bigger – God.

Beginning the school year is a time of transition and change, I hope the prayers shared on the 11th of August and the prayers shared here will help you create space to express any joys or concerns you have for the new school year. I hope these prayers help you dream and feel peace. I commend these prayers and blessings to the use of all of us, so teachers, staff, students, and parents may be strengthened on their journey.

A Prayer for the New School Year
God of all wisdom, we praise you for gifting us with curiosity and learning. Give to all students, teachers, and caregivers a clear sense of your love. May they feel your presence throughout this school year. Guide their choices, their quest for knowledge, and their relationships. Use their successes and failures as opportunities to grow in understanding of who you would have them to be. Continue to shape them, that they may walk in the way of Christ, grow strong in Spirit’s love for all people, and know the complete joy of life in you. In the name of Christ our Great Teacher, we pray. Amen.

-Linda Witte Henke, adapted, “From the Vine,” in Marking Time: Christian Rituals for All Our Days, Moorehouse Publishing 2001, p. 63


A Prayer for Students
Eternal God, your wisdom is greater than our minds can attain, and your truth enlightens our learning. To those who study, give curiosity, imagination, and patience to wait and work for insight. Fill their learning with joy. Help them to doubt with courage. And hold all their days in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Book of Common Worship, adapted, Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, p. 911


A Prayer for Parents
Loving God, We confess some days the worries of parenthood are as abundant as the joys. Guide us through the valleys, so we may be present for our children in their valleys, until we are all brought again to the the mountaintop. We ask you to bless our children with hearts of compassion and courage, and keep them safe from harm. Fill them with the knowledge that they are loved and beloved. And may we always remember to pray: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

-Meg Bucher, adapted,; Reinhold Niebuhr,“The Serenity Prayer”


A Prayer for Teachers and Educators
God of all learning, grant our teachers an abundance of your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love. Give them grace in their encounters, courage to face challenges, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gifts they share with our children. May they see how their dedication forever impacts generations. Amen.

-The Rev. Kaitlyn Bouchillon, adapted,


Can’t wait to see you and pray with you in person on August 11th. In addition to the worship and blessings, we will also have an Ice Cream Social after worship and Jeremy and I have cute little surprises from Australia for y’all. And no – it is not a koala – although we would if we could!

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,