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Sacred Gathering Time – St. Nick’s News Jan. 24, 2025

Full St. Nick’s News for January 24, 2025

Dear Friends,

This Sunday at 8:55 a.m., I would love for you to join us for our Annual Meeting. Think of it as less of a “meeting” and more of a sacred gathering—a time to pray, dream, and imagine together where God is leading St. Nicholas next.

I know, “church meeting” might not sound thrilling, but this is different. It’s a chance to pause and take stock of what God has been doing in our midst and to ask where the Spirit might be nudging us to go next. It’s about connection, collaboration, and stepping into the future with hope and purpose.

In Acts 2, the early church came together for “prayer, fellowship, and the breaking of bread.” That same spirit inspires our time together. We’ll reflect on where we’ve been, celebrate our shared journey, and pray about where God is calling us as a community of faith. This is our time to dream big—and your voice matters.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Prayers for guidance, gratitude, and hope.
  • Celebrations of our ministries, you – God’s faithful people, and the milestones we’ve reached.
  • Big-picture dreaming about how we can grow in faith and love.
  • Visioning new ways to share Christ’s love in our community and beyond.

No matter where you are on your journey—whether you’ve been with St. Nicholas from the beginning or just found us recently—you belong here. Come as you are, whether to listen, share, or simply soak it all in. This is holy work, and we need everyone to be who God is calling us to be…

So to recap – See you this Sunday at 8:55am for our Annual Meeting. We are having two worship services on this day – 8am and 10:15am. Everyone is invited to bring a snack or brunch type item to share – food always makes mornings better!

For our littles from 3yrs to 5th grade, our Family Minister Jena will have activities in the Sundays School/Children’s Chapel room.

I can’t wait to see you Sunday! Bring your ideas, your prayers, and your open heart. Together, let’s dream, plan, and step forward into the beautiful future God is preparing for us.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,