Full St. Nick's News for November 22, 2024 Dear Friends, Earlier today, I checked in…
Horton Hears a Who and Promises to Each Other – St. Nick’s News Nov. 8, 2024
Full St. Nick’s News for November 8, 2024
Dear Friends –
This past Wednesday, at Dinner Church, our very own Ted and his friends who make up The Extended Run Players offered us a much needed joy-filled night of hearing about Horton the Elephant. Horton Hears a Who and Horton Hatches an Egg were shared after we had dinner together.
The Extended Run Players are a group of theatre lovers who present plays, poetry and literature in a Reader’s Theater Format. They willingly gave up their donations to help us raise $187 for our Children’s Playground. So very generous of them! And they were wonderful with our kiddos!
It was also wonderful to hear the story of the Whos and be reminded of that incredibly famous line – “A Person is a Person now matter how small.” Horton undergoes harassment and goes to great lengths to protect the tiny Whos and their Whoville Community.
As I was sitting, watching, and listening, I couldn’t help but be reminded of our Baptismal promises shared in the Baptismal Service. Here is a reminder of the promises we made in our baptism and recommit to every time we baptize a new child, youth, or adult –
- Celebrant – Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers?
- People – I will, with God’s help.
- Celebrant – Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?
- People – I will, with God’s help.
- Celebrant – Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?
- People – I will, with God’s help.
- Celebrant – Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?
- People – I will, with God’s help.
- Celebrant – Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
- People – I will, with God’s help.
I will admit, I got a little sidetracked as I thought about this and began watching our precious children – sitting with one another, eyes bright with idealism and joy, and surrounded by people of all ages helping them to learn and love.
This is the work we are called to – helping each other learn and love. Helping each other live into our baptismal promises. My favorite part of the baptism service, aside from these promises, is the congregation’s vow to support one another:
- Celebrant – Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?
- People – We will.
These promises along with The Great Commandment show us our life’s work and vocation. The Greatest and most important commandment according to Jesus is this from Mark Chapter 12:29-31:
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Jesus is saying take all of you – your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love God and your neighbor. We do this work in community – with and for one another. We are strengthened by one another and God’s Holy Spirit at St. Nick’s so we can love the way Jesus commands us to.
This is our call. This is our work. This is our vocation.
Imagine – all of that from an Elephant who cares for the least of these and some really awesome adults putting on a show. Imagine an elephant reminding me of the cares and occupations of our very broken and hurting world. Imagine hope from an Elephant and Jesus our Lord, Savior, and Eternal King.
God’s Holy Spirit is alive and stirring up hearts, minds, strength (endurance? fortitude?), and souls here at St. Nick’s. There is much more to say, pray, and share, but I will save those items for our time together on Sunday. As always, I can’t wait to see you on Sunday. And I can’t wait to see how we will embrace the promises we made to God as we live into our baptismal promises and our love of God in Christ Jesus together.
God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,