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Big Steps Forward – St. Nick’s News Jan. 31, 2025

Full St. Nick’s News for January 31, 2025

Dear Friends,

Last weekend we gathered for our annual meeting. We talked about our history, our future, and our founding story. In 2019 Jeremy and I were called to plant a new worshiping community in the Bulverde/Spring Branch area of the Hill Country. God set upon our hearts to have a community centered and grounded in the Joy of the Lord.

Our church is rooted in the powerful parable Jesus shared in the Gospel of Luke:

“Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” -Luke 15:3-7

This parable is the founding scripture story of St. Nick’s. It reminds us of God’s boundless love and relentless pursuit of every one of us, especially when we feel lost. Just as the shepherd rejoices over the found sheep, we are called to rejoice in God’s grace and extend that same grace and love to all.

In that spirit, we joyfully live as a missional community empowered to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The Episcopal Church calls us to restore unity with God and one another through prayer, worship, faith-sharing, and promoting justice, peace, and love. At St. Nicholas, we embrace this mission by being a community of loving, giving, and joyful followers of Jesus.

At St. Nicholas, our vision is simple yet profound:

Everyone is welcome.
Everyone is loved.
Everyone is empowered.
Everyone belongs.

In a world that is very broken, divided, angry, and full of pain, I pray we can and will continue to be a place of love, goodness, joy, and peace for anyone and everyone seeking God’s love and grace. We will continue to live out our mission and vision for the sake of God’s love through Jesus Christ and for the sake of the world.

God has been so faithful to St. Nick’s and we have created a beautiful life of faith, love, and grace together. February 20th we are invited to celebrate God’s faithfulness at our 121st Diocesan Council. Each year, clergy and lay representatives from congregations across the diocese gather at Council to discern the Holy Spirit’s guidance for the future of the Church. This sacred assembly provides a time for worship, fellowship, and decision-making as we unite to strengthen our mission and ministry.

You are invited to join us at the following address:
Embassy Suites & Conference Center
1001 E McCarty Ln
San Marcos, TX 78666

We will meet in the hotel lobby at 12:30pm for snacks and drinks, wearing our St. Nick’s t-shirts, hats, vests, or polos. We will be invited to process in where the good people of the DWTX are gathered for Council. We will process up to the stage where Rev. Beth will address Council and our Bishop, the Right Reverend David Read. Everyone is invited to come and join us. If your child or teen needs a note – our Bishop and/or Rev. Beth will be glad to write one on their behalf. This is an important and monumental day for our church – I can’t wait to celebrate and rejoice with you!

We wanted to accomplish three goals before becoming a Mission –

  1. Have at least 90 giving units – last year we had 106 giving units – way to go being incredible stewards of God’s finances!
  2. Grow in discipleship formation – This week we logged 4,363 hours of community and church service for Jesus in our 5K4JESUS initiative – way to go living out your faith and discipleship!
  3. Develop strong infrastructure with a Bishop’s Committee, strong leaders, paid and volunteer staff – way to go stepping up for leadership rolls in the church and connecting with one another and our community!

You can see the St. Nick’ “Swag” order form at the bottom of this note. Please use the QR code and order your desired shirt, vest, or hat. Or send me a text and let me know the item and size. Please don’t wait – order it today so we can have it on time for Council. You can text or call me at 214-213-0739.

I can’t wait to gather together at Council and celebrate God’s goodness and amazing faithfulness in our lives. I also can’t wait to see you on Sunday where we will worship, hear a word from the Lord, and celebrate Eucharist together.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,