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5-year Anniversary! – St. Nick’s News Dec 6, 2024

Full St. Nick’s News for December 6, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

I am so excited for this Sunday’s worship and want to extend an invitation for you, your friends, and family to come and worship with us on Sunday at 9:30am.

Our Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. David Read will be with us to lead worship, baptize, preach, confirm, and receive people into our community of faith.

In addition, he will bless us and guide us as we begin our process of becoming a mission church in the Diocese of West Texas. All members of our church are invited to sign a petition requesting that we become a Mission. This is an exciting step in our life of faith.

We belong to God’s Holy Church, united by the love of Jesus. Our particular branch or tradition is the Episcopal Church. We are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion which means that our tradition is rooted in the Church of England and we have a special relationship with our brothers and sisters in Anglican and Episcopal Churches throughout the world.

All Anglican and Episcopal churches share the mission to restore all people to one another and God through the love of Jesus. In addition, our mission is…

to be a community of loving, giving, joyous Jesus Followers.

This is a concise mission statement based on God’s original plan for us as a community of faith.

When we began, five years ago, we were committed to the following…

  •  We are a community deeply committed to living joyous lives.
  • We are committed to Loving Jesus and reaching out to Others with authenticity and grace.
  • We are a church for all ages – Young and Old – and every age in between.
  • We are United in the love of Jesus Christ and live our lives being Sent to serve our community.

We are still committed (after this time of formation, challenge, and blessing) to being a loving, giving, joyous community of Jesus Followers!

St. Nicholas the person was known for his generosity and his philanthropy. He inherited his parent’s wealth and spent his life helping others. Philanthropy has become mainly associated with the giving of money, but originally the Greek word philanthrōpia meant the love of humankind. Philanthropy is the willingness to serve and extend actions of compassion and love in order to make like better for others. This is naturally done through time, talent, and treasure. I thank God for the work we are doing together at St. Nick’s in making life better for others. We are truly living out our mission – our call to love, give, and share the Joy of the Lord!

Thank you for being on this journey. I can’t wait to celebrate and praise God for the blessing of our life together and our life in the Episcopal Church, in Bulverde, TX.

See you at 9:30am on Sunday!

Come for the –

  • Prayers
  • Praise
  • Music
  • Food by Maggie Mae’s
  • Photo Booths
  • St. Nick’s Day Crafts
  • Music
  • Friendship
  • Joy

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,